
How many people are still on the fence about Bush or Kerry?

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It seems to be very polorized in the form discussion about this topic. So it got me wondering about where people are in there decision making process for this election.
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
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All my co-workers and I have decided they are both dipshits. Can't vote for a liberal moron or a conservative dumbass. Its just not ethical. Even though I'm not 35, I am running for write in. so remember when you go vote... JASON BENZING is moderate. Write me in.

Yep it's kind of like being given the choice between being stabbed in the eye with a knife or a hot poker neither is very appealing. although I think the lesser of the two evils is Kerry(barely......)

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All my co-workers and I have decided they are both dipshits. Can't vote for a liberal moron or a conservative dumbass. Its just not ethical. Even though I'm not 35, I am running for write in. so remember when you go vote... JASON BENZING is moderate. Write me in.


I don't know why people think that "W" is a conservative, he clearly isn't if you look at the record. What bothers me is that we can choose between "somewhat liberal" or "extreme liberal" and I am a conservative on most issues.


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but one of them is a kitesurfer B|

I'm going to assume that's Kerry, cuz Bush'd say something like "Now why would you want to surf on a kite????" :D:D

All and all, honestly, I think I'd vote for Kerry, cuz I hate Bush's idiocy and he really pissed me off with the way he's trying to run the country like it's a verse in the Bible. Piss off, Georgey, let the kite surfer through. B|

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> I'm going to assume thats Kerry, <

Thats correct, I have seen him kitesurfing on Nantucket, and I know the guy who he goes kitesurfing with.

It was really weird in a cool way hearing Kerrys voice on me friends answering machine talking about kitesurfing.
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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I don't know why people think that "W" is a conservative

He is an extreme social conservative. Economically, though, he's not. The choices are, between:

Bush: Fiscal liberal with high spending on programs like useless space based missile defense systems and trips to the moon and mars and no way to pay for it. Social conservative who wants to restrict individuals based on coversations that he has with God

Kerry: Fiscal liberal with outrageous spending on social programs who will raise taxes to pay for spending. Social moderate, there isn't anyone at that level of power who doesn't think he knows what's best for everyone, but he's not as adamant about ramming it down our throats with constitutional amendments and consolidation of executive powers.

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